March 09, 2014

My Furry Friend Tag!

  1. What is your pet's name? Edward
  2.  What kind of pet is it and what breed? He's a Pomeranian doggie.
  3. How long have you had your pet? I've had Edward for 5 years!
  4. What are some quirky things about your pet's personality? Edward is definitely a little dog with a big dog personality! He thinks he can take on anybody and anything when he really can't. He's very attached to my father and myself. He also has a little attitude when he doesn't get his way.
  5. How old is your pet? He is 5 years old
  6. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? Edward is a very special little puppy; without him my life would be a lot more boring. He's a sweet and innocent soul that I'm happy to take care of!
  7.  What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? Edward and I love going for car rides, taking walks in the summertime and hanging out on the couch.
  8. What are the nicknames you call your pet? Ed, Eddie, Eddie Spaghetti, Eduardo...just to name of a few! 
Edward at 1 year old

Edward at 2 years old

Sleepy Edward
Edward after a bath!

                      ~Eddie Spaghetti, breath like the walking deadie~
                                            Thanks for reading!

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